Social Media Care

Ninety-nine percent of everyone you hope to impact with your organization is engaged in some form of social media. With a plethora of options, usage patterns, and unique sub-cultures, social media can be a very daunting area to dive into if you are unfamiliar with its ins and outs.

Navigating social media for the benefit of your organization can also be very time consuming and tedious. You more than likely did not sign up to be a social media expert and also have no desire to be one. Sure anyone can post something up, but are you posting on the correct platforms at the appropriate times? Do you have your images formatted properly for each platform? Have you done the research on which hashtags are trending this week? Do you even know what that last question means?

The Social Media Care option provides your organization a way to benefit from all of the wonders and access that social media provides, without actually having to understand or engage with it. Let us take care of things on your behalf so you can get back to the more important aspects of running your organization!